Buying a branded bag is a huge desire for all of us. If you buy a branded bag, the quality will be better, but we consider it an honor to go out with a bag with a famous brand logo.

Can you believe that a bag smaller than a grain of salt fetched more than $60,000 at auction? It is true. A bag with the Louis Vuitton brand logo smaller than a grain of salt is priced at $63,750.

MSCHF in New York, USA, has developed this bag using the 2D Photon polymerization printing method. The total size of this bag made using 3D printer technology is 657 x 222 x 700 microns. As reported by US auction house Jupiter, on June 27, 2023, one person bought it for $63,000. Initially priced at $15,000, it caught everyone’s attention and ended up selling for $63,000. The company has not officially disclosed the details of the buyer of this bag, but it is believed that the richest person in the United States may have bought it.